Calling all food bloggers!

I don’t know how many of you remember or took part in Menu for Hope II, the super-duper, web-based, food bloggers campaign, started by the always energetic Chez Pim, that raised money for UNICEF last year. Either way, I hope you will take part in Menu for Hope III, which launches internationally and all across the Web on 11 December 2006. This year, we are raising money for the United Nations World Food Programme. I can’t imagine anything that’s more fitting for the festive season than the world’s food bloggers raising money to feed the hungry. It’s simply perfect.

Here’s how the campaign works. If you are a blogger, you’ll need to either come up with a cool gift/prize to donate or source one from a generous sponsor. Then inform your regional “host”, i.e. the blogger in your region who is consolidating all the various donations from your region. He or she will post what everyone is donating on the 11th. At the same time, you should also post about your donation on the same day.

Here’s a list of this year’s hosts:
US West Coast: Sam of Becks and Posh
US East Coast: Adam the Amateur Gourmet
US (the rest): Kalyn of Kalyn’s Kitchen
Canada: Jasmine of Cardamom Addict
Europe: David Lebovitz of
Latin America: Melissa de Leon of the Cooking Diva
Asia Pacific: Helen of Grab Your Fork

Readers are asked to donate funds in order to get virtual raffle tickets for these prizes; they also get to choose which prizes they want to be in competition for.

This year, by the way, I hear that the prizes are going to be awesome. Rumour has it that a certain Thomas Keller is sponsoring something. (I am so totally bidding on that!)

For more info on how to take part, please go to Pim’s blog by clicking here. To steal a famous phrase, help us feed the world this Christmas!

About Aun Koh

Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!


7 Responses

  1. Yeah, poor Thomas didn’t quite know what hit him. But he was laughing heartily when he agreed to this so it should be fun.

  2. thanks for publicizing the event CH… just in time! i’m still new to the blogging scene, but i’m looking forward to participating!

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