A Chinese New Year Greeting from Alix

About Aun Koh

Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!


18 Responses

  1. Woot! Your photo just won best new year photo in my books. 🙂
    Excellennnt. Tempted to use it as a wallpaper.

  2. Gong xi fa cai!!!!

    Year of dog! Loyal and generous to others 🙂

    I hope you have a stupendous meal in store. I’m looking forward to my lunar new year’s eve meal 🙂

  3. OH, forgot to wish you back…..
    May you and S have a prosperous new year, and the year be filled with culinary adventures, and perhaps expect a CH Jr soon ? 🙂

  4. ROFLMAO! Call the RSPCA to report cruel and unusual punishment with kinky undertones! Love the pix & Gong Xi Fatt Cai to you, S and dogs!

  5. Happy New Year! May it be full of joy, happiness and very prosperous! Eat well and have lots of fun…

    The year of the dog is well illustrated by Alix who looks splendid with her orange; he is a cheeky dog!!!…

  6. Me and my Gourmet Labrador, Merlin, really enjoy your site. Happy New Yeat to you and your pets from me, Merlin and aour cats.

  7. Woof Woof! Gong Xi Fa Chai, Alix!

    I’ll give you an angpow if the orange is not totally cover with your saliva 😛

    Or else, I might resort to making you a glass of juicy chilled orange juice instead. How about that for a change? Hehehe!

    Happy Chinese New Year to all ( including Sacha )

  8. Hey Happy Chinese New Year! Hope you have another good food blogging year ahead (:

    I’m sorry for asking during this festive season, but where did you buy your kasumi knife? Is it available in Singapore and how much do you think it would be? Thanks alot!

  9. That takes me back to some wonderful celebrations! The best was spending the New Year in HK and having so many kind people wish me Gong Xi Fatt Cai and handing me those little envelopes.

    Awesome! Thanks for that 😀

  10. Andrian:
    A small selection of Kasumis are available in the kitchen section of Meidiya. You can also contact RazorSharp (www.razorsharp.com.sg) the company which brings them into Singapore

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