Happy birthday to S

Today is my darling wife S’s birthday. It’s crazy to think we’ve been married for almost 7 years and that we’ve been a serious part of each other’s lives for almost 9 years. I almost can’t imagine life without her. Sure, I’d probably be a good 20 pounds or so lighter (our shared love for food has seriously made me live up to my screen name), but I don’t think I would have been as happy. It’s been really wonderful having a best friend and life partner who is both as picky and as greedy as I am. These days, we’re also business partners, which has been just as rewarding as the rest of our marriage. While we do need to learn to stop working — to leave business in “the office” at the end of the day — it’s been nice working with someone who completely understands me and that I can trust implicitly.

For her birthday, we’ve been eating up a storm. Last weekend, my parents treated us to a huge feast at her favorite sushi joint, Tatsuya. Then, midweek, we had a wonderful dinner with a friend, who was also celebrating his birthday, at Torisho Taka and another lovely meal at L’Angelus. For lunch today, we went back to Tatsuya (more sushi) and for dinner tonight, we’ll be pigging out at Iggy’s, arguably Singapore’s best restaurant. Tomorrow, a very dear friend is treating us for lunch at Il Lido. S is already dreaming of opening one of their prized bottles of Quintarelli Amarone.

We’ve also been tremendously busy. (And we really do have to apologize to readers. We have several cool posts brewing right now but haven’t had time to properly put them together. Please visit often and we promise that we’ll get back to posting regularly.) In January, I had to make a quick business trip to Thailand, followed by a long, cold 2 week work trip to Shanghai, Nanjing, Guilin and Beijing. Somehow I just happened to pick the worst time in the last half decade to visit China! Last month, S and I made a quick and hectic, but very productive, trip to Hong Kong, followed by a couple of business meetings in Thailand — 2 in Bangkok and one in Cha-Am.

Anyway, to celebrate S’s birthday, I thought I would embarrass her by sharing one of my favourite pictures of her with the world (notice I’m mostly cropped out). This photograph was taken the day after we got married. We tied the knot in a beautiful vineyard in Swan Valley, Western Australia. The following morning, we treated all of our friends to a cruise down the Swan River, starting in Perth and ending in Fremantle. The weather was beautiful and we ate, drank and laughed our way across the waters. And of course, as every new husband does, I spent quite a bit of our trip hand-feeding my gorgeous new bride.

Happy Birthday S!

About Aun Koh

Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!


32 Responses

  1. hey congrats to you and S. just joined your mail list today, after stumbling upon it searching for a good burger in SG…now i understand my friend’s MSN name “chubby hubby rawks” 🙂 i’m just here from LA, too bad i didn’t know you when i was there, i could have shown you some great places to eat! thanks for your site 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday S!

    We’re going to Istanbul next week and plan to eat and shop at some of the places you recommended. Thanks for the guide.

  3. Hope you had a great birthday, S! Everytime when I read CH’s post, he never fails to mention about you and I can feel the love and respect that you guys have for each other. Its amazing how you can keep the passion alive even after 7 years of marriage! Kudos to you!

  4. Happy birthday S! Looking forward to your upcoming posts, CH – it keeps me going even though I’m no longer in Singapore! Shall be using your Istanbul guide very shortly as well 🙂

  5. Happy birthday, S!
    What a feast! Pls share secret of staying slim while enjoying this much good food!

    Munch on!!!

  6. Hi everyone,

    Thank you very much for your warm wishes!

    P.S.: Flo, that picture was shot seven years ago. My dress size has grown since!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday S! That is one priceless photo! Envy you guys’ wonderful marriage and relationship with each other! I shall strive to achieve the same thing someday! 🙂

    Quick, teach me how to make home-made fries! 😀

  8. Wow. That post actually got me kinda choked up. Never thought that would happen on a food blog. Congrats to you both and Happiest Birthday to the wife.

  9. Happy Birthday S! Photo’s charming :p … no wonder the buildings in the background looks familiar … the old Swan Brewery .. nice
    Greetings from Perth 🙂

  10. Just like Chispa, I got pretty choked up on that post too. The COMPLETENESS in your marriage and mutual admiration is inspiring. Happy birthday S – and by golyy you do look beautiful in that picture!

  11. Hi chubs,

    I have been following your food
    blog for a while now as a silent
    reader but have not commented
    until now..all I can say is
    “WOW your recipes look great”,
    and I want to cook them all 🙂

    I would like to get to know
    you more, with your talent
    for cooking then your going to
    be a great friend to have.

    Feel free to join our cooking
    forum, you are very welcome
    to join us.

    Jeenas food recipe forum

    You have such an amazing food
    blog that I am sure our other
    cooking members would love to know
    more about it.

    Thanks from
    Jeena xx

  12. Happy Birthday to S! Let us know how the new Iggys is…esp now that have changed chefs…i wonder if they are still best…

  13. Your posts are always interesting and delicious–especially your photography–and this love message to your wife S is no different, except that I find it a bit disturbing that you think its wonderful that you and your wife are both picky and greedy. I don’t know that those qualities are flattering in anyone, least of all as qualities that gauge the success or beatuty of a relationship.

  14. I’m SUPER late in wishing the gorgeousssss one a proper b-day wish, but here it goes: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND TONS OF HUGS AND KISSES from the boys in LA! We love you, S!!!!

  15. hi, i’m not a good food blogger,neither am i popular, but i definitely do admire your blogging skills and the pictures you take are really great and magnificent. How i wish to be like you.=) do you mind commenting on my blog?i will be very honoured,like truthfully..

  16. Peech, the meal we had at Iggy’s was fantastic. Sufian, the current chef, has definitely stepped up the challenge of running this restaurant’s kitchens. We had some gorgeous food. My favourite of the night was a pan-roasted shirako in green curry foam. Yum!

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