Intros and tooting one’s own horn

As a first post, I figure some kind of introduction is standard. Suffice it to say, as can be seen from the title of this little on-line rant, that I’m married and a foodie. Actually I’m also married to a foodie, which is great because I’ve never been able to tolerate women that don’t enjoy food (and wine). In fact, there might be nothing I hate more than seeing some skinny chica take two bites from her plate and then spend the rest of her meal playing with her food. But as I was saying, my wife, in fact, is a professional foodie, which puts her on a level way above my simple greedy enjoyment of preparing and consuming food. She’s a food (and cookbook) writer and ex-food magazine editor. She’s actually taking a break from her professional career at the moment to try and complete a PHD. Not surprisingly, her PHD topic is foodcentric. It’s an investigation into the evolution of today’s celebrity chef, as created or enabled by media and globalization, i.e. more Jamie and Nigella than Ducasse or Keller.

Once she finishes her thesis–fingers crossed–she’s already been engaged to start work on a couple cookbooks by two chef friends of ours, one in Shanghai and one in Taipei. Oh, yeah, I should add that we live in Asia–Singapore to be exact. In fact, and not to toot my wife’s horn too much, she also wrote the below book, for Lonely Planet.

Truth be told, I’m tooting my own horn a tad too. I worked on the book as well, but as its main photographer. I guess that admission means I should probably elaborate a bit more on my own background. I’m an ex-journalist, occasional author and even more occasional photographer, i.e. one of your typical Jack-of-all-tradesmen and master-on-none. My full-time gig right now is in the civil service.

What I am good at, but still by no means a master yet, is enjoying food. I enjoy eating it; I enjoy cooking it; I enjoy talking about it. And, inspired by so many others who are so much better at this than I am, I figured I’d try my hand at blogging about it. Now, if only someone paid by the word!

About Aun Koh

Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!


One Response

  1. wow. over 3 years of food wisdom. i think i'm going to enjoy blog stalking here. 🙂

    just want to add i liked the intro. sincere and fun. cheers! 😀

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