lost and FOUND!
It’s a little after 10pm on Monday and I’m very, very happy to report that Alix has been found, picked up, showered and is happily snoozing away.
I’d like to send out huge thanks to all the people who posted very kind and sympathetic comments, who emailed me during the day, and all the bloggers who put up notices on their own sites. Your support was amazing and it really touched both S and me.
Even bigger thanks go to Andy, the ultimate kind samaritan. This very nice guy saw our crazy little gal trying to cross Siglap Road last night. He rescued her and gave her a safe place to spend the night. Andy, thank you so very much!
About Aun Koh
Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!

Great news! Glad to see that Alix is home and safe.
Ahh, excellent news. Did she tell you what she’d got up to?
I’m so happy to hear that Alix is back and safe!
your picture makes me cry!! I am so happy that your pretty little dog is home and safe! You can see the contentment in her face!! ~Jill
Ahh, I’m so glad that Alix was found, you and your wife must be overjoyed!
I am so happy to hear that your dog has been returned safely. 🙂
Hi folks! Thanks again for your very kind comments. We’re so happy that we were able to find Alix. When we picked her up and drove her home, the poor thing clung to me, shivering slightly, throughout the entire car ride back to our place. She must have had a terrible fright.
Anyway, when we got home, (after her bath), she immediately went to bed. And this morning, we had to wake her up for brekkie. Usually, she wakes us up. She must have been exhausted. We’re taking her to the vet in an hour to check to make sure she’s really okay.
Thanks again for all your wishes.
Thank goodness! M was saying that there are worse places to lose a dog than Siglap. There have been a few occasions when we’ve joined a group of strangers in chasing some poor lost pup along the streets of Siglap. The residents here have seen a few 🙂 You must be so relieved! And we are for you too.
Thank god she’s alright! It’d have broken her little doggie heart if she wasn’t back home where she belonged.
Warm fuzzy hugs to her <3
Fabulous. Our furry lot have been saying lots of doggie prayers for Alix. So glad she is home.
We’ve been to this movie with two of ours and I know how incredibly stressful and exhausting it is for all concerned. Alix probably needs pizza.
Thats great!
Gosh.. thank goodness! U’re sooo lucky to have found her! I’m glad I didn’t read your previous post and only just checked and got the good news. Bet Alix is happy too. 🙂
I’m so glad to hear that Alix is safe and home again!
I am so happy to hear you found your baby. I lost my beloved Cory (cat) for 24 hours and I honestly didn’t know what to do. She means the world to us too so I completely understand what you two must have gone through. I am SOOO glad to hear that you found your darling.
Excellent news..!
So glad she’s back home, safe and sound! Yay!
That’s Great News!! thank god for that.=)
Now you can eat great food in peace…I just got back from perth recently too. Do drop by a restaurant called Jacksons if you have the time.
cheers mate.
S and Chubbyhubby,
Happy news and don’t let this incident put you off from travelling together.Its a one off thing. 🙂
Such good news – she looks like a beautiful dog.
awwwww, sweet Alix sound asleep in her own bed. So glad to hear this. She must’ve been so scared but thank goodness it’s a happy ending.
I might be late but still feel relieved for both (well for the three) of you!
– fanny
I’m soooo happy to read that you both found your baby! I sincerely apologize for the delay with this, time has gotten a hold of me, and I’m of course, going through withdrawls from not being able to read your blog! As always, everything is simply beautiful!
xoxo Kimmie
I’m late but I’m so happy that Alix was found and a kind samaritan helped her, restores faith in human beings!
I’m so glad to hear Alix is safely back home! One of our cats went missing when I still stayed at home and it was 24 hours of total misery. We all walked around the house as if we were at a funeral. It’s the worst feeling – but oh the joy when he returned! And it’s good to know that there are still Good Samaritans out there who will take in a lost dog for the night.
good for you! i lost my old silkie before along lor M telok kurau… never found her again…glad you have a good ending to your story!