Our new look, our new team and our new sections

Pouring Champagne

We’re back! And I am sure you’ve already noticed, we’re back with a completely different look. I want to firstly thank every single person who gave us her or his feedback on which design template we should move to. In the end, we decided to use the Shaken Grid both because many of you preferred it over the other options, but also because Su-Lyn and I really liked its visual style and navigation system.  We also liked that it re-adjusts itself reasonably well for tablets and smartphones–necessities in making digital design choices these days.

I hope you all like the color scheme. We joke that it’s the Lil’ T theme–because our bouncing baby boy is partial to wearing baby blue shirts and bright red pants. But I’m getting a bit off topic. Helping us with the site’s redevelopment were two very cool guys, wizard Web developer Jarrod Pyper of Pypeline Web and digital strategist Adam Flinter. If any of you need help with new Websites or developing long term digital strategies for your brands or companies, Jarrod and Adam are the guys to call, respectively.

Taking time off from updating this site regularly was actually, looking back, a great thing to do. It gave both Su-Lyn and I time to think about what we wanted this site to evolve into. We are determined that it should continue to be, first and foremost, a great resource of information for readers. That means the vast majority of posts will take the form of recommendations–recommended recipes to try; recommended restaurants to visit; recommended places to vist; things to buy; etc. We want the content of Chubby Hubby to be useful to you. As opposed to some platform from which we pontificate.

We also wanted to build very clear editorial sections. If you look under the Topics link in the site’s header, you can see the sections we will be covering in this site. And to help us do that–and this may be the biggest change of all–we’ve recruited some amazing writers and fellow bloggers to help us out. More writers means more great content for you, updated much more frequently. I am so grateful for the work being contributed by this truly passionate and really inspiring editorial team. If you want to know more about them, you can read their bios here. In addition to the writers, I’ve also been lucky enough to recruit a really amazing Editor to help me out. Charmaine is a real godsend. She’s helping to keep track of all editorial timelines and ensuring that the quality of all posts are up to snuff.

Su-Lyn and I will still be the ones blogging the most frequently. We can promise that. But I am sure you’ll enjoy reading the posts by our new contributors.

Lastly, thank you again for coming back to this site and for all the support over the last 7 years. I truly hope you enjoy reading all of the great posts we have lined up. And if you like them, please share them with your friends.

About Aun Koh

Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!


13 Responses

  1. Finally! My daily reading diet was sadly bereft during the necessary hiatus…Love the new digs. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks Joycelyn. And we’ll actually be pushing out content almost daily now so we really can be part of your daily reading diet.

  2. Aun, love the new and sleek layout; feels good to navigate.
    Congratulation and hope for many postings!

    Chris from Bangkok

  3. Yayy! Great to see the site back in action again – love the new look & contents. Cheers to a new start again 🙂

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