Chubby Hubby, which I started as an experiment to learn about the blogging world, turns 1 in a couple of months. It’s been a really amazing experience so far and I’m constantly amazed by the number of readers that this site’s been getting and the great comments from wonderful people, many of whom also maintain remarkable food blogs of their own.
I was very pleasantly surprised this past week when I checked my site’s statistics. During September, October and November, Chubby Hubby was getting around 17,000 to 18,000 hits each month. In December, however, the hit rate jumped… by more than 10,000 hits (it got 28, 580 hits, with 19,516 being unique visitors). Okay, for some of my peers, like the lovely Pim (who, by the way, kicked my butt in the Gridskipper World’s Best Urban Food Blog competition last month), that’s nothing. She gets that many hits between brushing her teeth and her first coffee. But for me, it’s awesome. Hell, that’s more readers than most of the food magazines sold in this country! I’m quite frankly stunned. And so very, very flattered that so many more people have stopped by.
So, thank you all so very much for making this little blog not quite so little.
About Aun Koh
Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!

You can bet that there will be more readers coming Chubby Hubby. Really love your blog and your gastronomic adventures! A very Happy New Year to you and I sure am looking forward to more gastro-spiring entries from you.
your blog is really fun to read, delicious, and inspirating. i hope you’ll open a restaurant soon
It’s becauese you have one of the best blogs around! (whisper – i actually read your blog more regularly than Pim’s but shhhh don’t tell)
Your blog’s been a wonderful and valuable addition to the food blogosphere, not just for Singaporeans but internationally too.
I’ve always loved reading the entries for the beauty of the photos, tales of a warm marriage and cute dogs, and food that while often very refined, but can be down to earth too.
Your blog is like my daily bread & butter now. Honestly, I learnt a lot from your blog. Love the tongue-in-cheek humour between you & S. Not forgetting your always super tempting artistic food shots.
What’s most impt is I like your frank & unbiased reviews of food joints. Eg: Wild Rocket recommendation.(which is usually lacking in most magazines)
U can open a Chubby Hubby fan club! No doubts abt dat. 🙂
I LOVE your blog! discovered it about 2 weeks ago via joonelovesfood when I was searching about crab bee hoon. Now I read it everyday – pls update more often!!
Hey it’d be even better if you could put in a search engine on your blog!
I’ve been reading your blog for some time now but this is my first posting a comment here. You got an interesting and great blog here, keep those beautiful pictures coming! My husband even commented that you are a talented writer 🙂
Elsie: Thanks so much. “Gastro-spiring”… great word.
Rani: Thanks. We have no plans to open a restaurant. That would just be too much work for potentially too little profit. It’s the kind of thing I’d only do if I won the lottery and was ready to lose the whole investment. 😉
Cin: Thanks (and I won’t tell anyone) 🙂
Enuwy: Thanks so much.
Cind: Thanks. Most reviewers (for magazines and even some of the papers) get free meals when visiting a restaurant here to write about it. Often, they dine with the restaurant’s PR person. Which makes the reviews not to honest. That said, I’ve kind of decided not to write about really bad restaurants… no point in wasting the effort on them.
Iceblueorb: Thanks… I’m trying. But that pesty thing called a day job does get in the way sometimes.
Dan: There actually is a “Search Chubby Hubby” function on my sidebar.
Lin: Thanks. Tell your husband it’s all thanks to Strunk and White’s Elements of Style 😉
Hey Chubby Hubby!
Congrats! I really love your blog, so I’m not surprised at its popularity. I’ve been following it for a while, but this is my first post…. gotta give recognition where it’s due.
My wife & I used to scour the island regularly for great food and we would get our fair share of good and bad experiences. Then the kids came along and we had to curtail our gastronimic forays to maybe once a fortnight….
Now, with limited opportunities to dine out, I would check your blog religiously for reviews before deciding on a restaurant. And I’m very happy to say, we have yet to be disappointed.
Keep it up!
You’ve been nominated in a couple of categories at the Accidental Hedonist’s Food Blog Awards. I voted for you because, frankly, I haven’t even read one post on 90
% of the blogs that were nominated. I really enjoy your blog. Your photos are incredible and your love for food and great presentation really comes through. I hope you win one of the categories or at the very least get more visitors because of the nomination. I read your blog from Hawaii.
P.S. I’m liking your current header design a lot.
Sponge: Thanks so much for the great words. I’ll have to get out of the house more often and try more restaurants and write more reviews for you in 2006.
Fran: That’s so sweet. Thanks so much. S likes this header more than my old one also. It’s a plate of delicious char kuay teow from the Old Airport Rd hawker centre. It’s rice noodled fried with sweet black sauce, chinese sausage, egg, fish cake and cockles. Truly delicious and very unhealthy.
You are flattering me, thank you. Your blog is wonderful, especially your photos. (I love the one just above this post with your two dogs!)
It’s so great to see food blogging growing leaps and bounds every day, and with great new additions like yourself. Best of luck on the Food Blog Awards, well deserved too!
Hey! I came across your blog by accident (while looking for pictures on google..:) and i just want to say that you’re blog’s amazing!! I love your pictures, the things you write about and the recipes…can’t wait to try them!! continue to do good work.. you’re great!! 😀