URGENT: Calling all amateur Singaporean food photographers
I promised a friend I would post this rather urgent request. Singapore’s Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts are putting together a coffee-table book of photos to give delegates attending the IMF-World Bank Meetings here in September. They’re looking for photos to put in this book as well as possibly put into a 365 day pictoral calender.
Seems that the submissions have been less than stellar. In particular, they’re quite eager to get some great pictures depicting Singaporeans eating together, Singaporean food, and other gorgeous food-related themes.
Here’s a short write-up as provided to me by the Ministry:
Coffee table pictorial book on Singapore
Come this September, the world’s top bankers will converge in Singapore for the International Monetary Fund-World Bank meeting to discuss fiscal and monetary policies that will impact the world.
With 16,000 delegates and journalists visiting Singapore, we intend to mark the occasion by presenting our guests with a high-end coffee table pictorial which will be a fitting memento for them to remember us by. The pictorial will feature photos of the activities that ordinary Singaporeans engage in, among which eating ranks as one of the tops.
MICA, which oversees the production of the pictorial, calls on all Singaporeans to support this national cause by sending their best photographic works on the subject of food and/or eating to:
National Marketing Department
5th floor MICA Building
140 Hill Street
S 179369
(Attn: Mr Foo Siang Luen)
Send photos in CD format or in print (4R) together with your name, address and contact number. All submissions must reach MICA by 2 May 2006. Photographers whose works are selected will be acknowledged in the book, a copy of which will be presented to them as a token of appreciation. For details, please contact Mr Foo at 68379862 or email foo_siang_luen@mica.gov.sg.
About Aun Koh
Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!

I was just in Singapore a month ago! Too bad I’m not a native or I would have loved to send some of my pictures – your country is definitely a gastronomic paradise!
Love your page!
Pity! Most of my food pics are non-local food… 🙁
darn i’ll only be back in singapore after may 2nd
This is a great idea!
WIll post this on the Singapore flickr group page for more publicity.
For your reference, the Singapore flickr group I’ve posted to is here. The discussion thread is here
want good pgotos but dont want to pay, so ask for submissions fr0om “amateurs”. …..
Dun know if my pics and food are good enough though…
george bush may not have found wmd’s but he should have invaded MINT at GRAZE, the lemongrass cosmo is a definte WMD that will blow anyones mind away. Finally, cocktails where you can taste the alcohol not the sugar
wow! when did MICA postponed the submission date?? Earlier when I contacted them, I was told 15th April. Anyway I’ve already sent about 20 pics to them … but sadly no food pics or S’porean-enjoying-food pics. Too late to shoot some more. Thanks anyway!