A bite of goodness: poppy seed wafers

As I age, I start to become wiser and learn the importance of incorporating whole grains into my diet. While I find it rather easy to add whole grains in my daily meals (brown rice, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal), I rarely use them in my baking.

At times, when I bake a cake or cookies, I would swap some of the all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour. That was as adventurous as I get. There are many different types of whole-grain flour that I hardly use (and some I have not even heard of) – and often I only dare to use whole wheat flour, fearing that my bake will taste like wet cardboard.

To boost my courage, last year, I bought Kim Boyce’s Good to the Grain. Boyce cleverly categorised her recipes by different types of whole-grain flour. Some whole-grain flours are rather expensive and even hard to come by. Hence you can work through the recipes based on your budget and what you can find.

One of the whole-grain flours that I have in my pantry is buckwheat. When I think about buckwheat, two things come to my mind – Breton galette and soba noodles. Would I have thought of using it for cookies? The answer is a big fat no. So to my surprise, these wafers tasted really delicious. They are earthy and buttery, and yet they are not overly rich. Depending on the baking time, mine was crunchy on the outside and crumbly in the inside. The texture and taste are similar to a shortbread (which I love).

The truth is whole grains produce/ bake actually exude more flavours – you get a bit of nuttiness, a hint of smokiness and a crunchy texture. This is one bite that is not just tasty, it is good for your tummy too (unless you intend to eat all the cookies by yourself).


About Mandy Ng

Mandy’s journey into the culinary world began out of necessity–a means of survival whilst she was at university. She believes cooking should be simple and fun. Besides spending time in the kitchen whipping up hearty meals, Mandy also dreams of having a bottomless stomach that she can fill with all kinds of delicious things.


2 Responses

  1. This recipe is timely as I’m beginning to look out for my health and thus for healthier recipes. One question – where you can find poppy seeds in Singapore? Don’t think it is sold here right?

  2. Hi Joy

    Unfortunately poppy seeds are banned in Singapore hence I offered alternatives of black sesame seeds or just plain sugar. Still the wafers will turn out to be equally delicious. Hope you will have fun making them.

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