Dark chocolate covered digestives


It’s been a while since I have baked or cooked – between work, baby happenings and numerous other social going-ons, the best laid plans kept getting postponed. Lately, however, I have become increasingly conscious that it’s about time to begin to cultivate baby J’s awareness of how things end up at the table for our eager consumption, and I also thought it would be a fun activity to do together with the 18-month old toddler (how time flies).

I was inspired by Dawn’s fabulous scone recipe to begin baking again. Instead of sultanas, I used cranberries two weekends ago, followed by apricots last weekend (both with yummilicious results). Baby J helped both times – pouring the measured ingredients into the large bowl and eagerly dipping both hands into the large bowl to “work” the butter into the dry mix with mommy. And of course, he more eagerly consumed the scones, saying “more scones” with sweet hopefulness each time his bowl was empty – he easily polishes off two on his own and would have downed a couple more if we’d let him.

Now that I’m on a bit of a baking roll, when I saw this recipe for chocolate covered digestives from Londonbakes on Food52.com, I had an overwhelming urge to make them – and immediately. It was way past baby J’s bedtime when I got home that night, so I spent a peaceful solitary night making them slowly and then dipping them into the melted chocolate. It was my virgin attempt at making chocolate dipped anything, so I was extra pleased they turned out so well, and tasted even better than I imagined.

Copy of boy and choc again

The next morning, baby J trembled with excitement when he saw the biscuits – and said “chocolate” and “chocolate biscuit” over and over. He pronounced them “delicious”, beaming at mommy with his chocolate covered mouth and sticky little hands.



About Charmaine Toh

Charmaine considers gluttony the most beautiful sin, and enjoys exemplifying it as she goes about her daily activities. Luckily for her, she currently lives in Hong Kong, the purported greatest city in Asia for everything to do with food (it’s a close fight with Singapore, where she was born and bred). These days she can be found (over)eating, thinking of what and where to eat next, and attempting various recipes in her kitchen.


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