A delightful, fluffy vanilla chiffon cake

Vanilla chiffon cakeIt has been crazy for the past two months. I was piled with work projects, photo shoot and amidst the chaos, I actually signed up for an online course. With my tight schedule, cooking and baking had to take a back seat. My meals were made up of mostly takeaways and fast food.

Despite being sleep deprived and going a bit crazy, I have reached my breaking point–I needed to bake something. I could choose to make a simple muffin. Oh but no, I just need to challenge the tired me by baking a vanilla chiffon cake. Anything that involves me folding egg whites into batter is never my favourite. I am constantly worrying that I will deflate the painstakingly whipped egg whites and the cake will not rise and everything will be ruined.

Ok, maybe I am just being dramatic. The good thing about making a chiffon cake when I was tired is that I basically don’t have any energy to think about the worst. I just quietly and patiently follow the recipe, do my best and pray that everything will be alright. And the vanilla chiffon cake turned out perfectly fine. I do admit I still don’t like folding in egg whites. I got over the fact that so what if my cake did not rise as much; as long as it is delicious, it is all that matters.

About Mandy Ng

Mandy’s journey into the culinary world began out of necessity–a means of survival whilst she was at university. She believes cooking should be simple and fun. Besides spending time in the kitchen whipping up hearty meals, Mandy also dreams of having a bottomless stomach that she can fill with all kinds of delicious things.
