Fruit juice jello

fruit juice jello

My children love jello, and I have to admit that my heart breaks a little every time they eat the packaged ones made with nothing but sugar, colouring and preservatives. This recipe is not only extremely easy (only three ingredients), but it also makes jello that is much better for your body and also tastes great.

This dessert is a popular request, and I find myself making it about once a week. But I don’t complain because all I need to do is grab a carton of juice, some moulds or cups, and everything is ready for the fridge in less than ten minutes. The jello takes about four hours to set, and the little ones get a tangy after-dinner treat in their personalised dinosaur, helicopter or dolphin shapes.

To jazz this up for entertaining, you could throw in some blueberries, sliced strawberries and raspberries into a pretty mould before pouring in the jello mixture. As much as my hubby and I love our rich, decadent, creamy desserts, we also really enjoy something lighter every once in a while, and I always make sure to save us a portion. The next time your family craves good ‘ol jello, please give this a try.

About Dawn Chia

Dawn, a lanky food-crazed lady, started out writing for lifestyle magazines, and later spent several years in banking. When not eating, she's cooking, reading about, hankering after, and writing about food. On her first date with her boyfriend (now husband), they dined at four restaurants across Singapore. He's gained 25lbs since, and their culinary escapades continue after welcoming two rotund angels. Dawn's committed to feeding them with the best, and creating lasting food memories and traditions for her family.


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