High praise for Iggy’s

Regular readers know that I have only good things to say about Ignatius Chan and his restaurant in the Regent Singapore, Iggy’s. It appears that big-time foodie and celebrated food writer Kevin Gould feels the same way. This weekend, he contributed an article on Iggy’s to The Guardian newspaper.

Mr Gould, among other things, writes, “Ignatius Chan presides over a restaurant that serves the subtlest, most satisfying east/west cuisine I’ve ever eaten.”

Congratulations again to Ignatius, Chef Dorin and Ignatius’ wonderful wife Janice.

Read the article here.

About Aun Koh

Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!
