
Greetings from Bhutan. S and I have been here since the 19th, doing a spot of work and also trying to sneak in some much-needed R&R.

The Land of the Thunder Dragon is magnificent. We’ve spent the last 4 days in Paro, staying at Christina Ong’s very comfortable Uma Paro for the first 3 nights of our trip. The food at Uma Paro is amazing and the staff all super-enthusiastic and really a joy to be around. We’ll be moving east tomorrow and on the road until the 28th. We’ll try our best to post every few days, but finding email and Internet access is not that easy (my handphone can’t even get a signal here). In the meantime, here are some pix from our journey thus far.

About Aun Koh

Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!


26 Responses

  1. Holy cow, what a fantastic experience. I’ve always wanted to visit Bhutan, but they sure don’t make it easy to do so – which is probably a good thing! Still, I’m so, so envious.

    And what gorgeous photos – the quality of the light is incredible!

  2. Awesome photos! Had a great experience at sister resort Uma Ubud, and have since been wanting to check Uma Paro out. Glad to hear it hasn’t disappointed.

  3. I spent a week in Bhutan and stayed at Uma Paro as well. Loved the place and would definitely hope to revisit. Lovely people, monks and stray dogs … all of whom are so willing to pose for pics. I used a Nikon D80 with 18-135 kit lens as my 70-200 VR was too heavy to lug around tho I am sure the result wld be fantastic. Have fun and post more pics.

  4. What a coincidence! I’m a regular reader of yours and I just arrived in Thimphu about a month ago. I am working here as a volunteer until Oct 2008.

    Will you be heading to Thimphu? And you wouldn’t by any chance have some Bak Kwa from home would you? 😉

  5. Welcome to Bhutan, Have a wonderful stay here, The Pictures Looks Cool and yeah it is Trouble Finding Internet Cafes in Bhutan Especially Out of Thimphu,Paro, Phuntsholing Town.

  6. Lovely photos as always! I sincerely hope that you will be posting a gift guide for cooks 2007. Love the one you had last year!

  7. I’ve just discovered your blog and just posted on my travel blog about it and some other Asian-focussed food and travel blogs. I’m a professional travel writer and I blog about what I find cool about travel. I’m interested in what inspires us all to travel and that’s something I like to explore through my blog – For me food is a big motivator to travel and your blog (and other food inspire me to move. I’m so glad I’ve discovered you and I’m going to check in frequently. I’m also going to check out others on your list! Thanks! But what inspires you to travel? Other than food???

  8. hi there! jus wanted to say that your photos are awesome! I’m falling in love with Bhutan already. Heard that Bhutan’s GDP is depended on the people’s happiness. Are the people there really happy? Have you tried yak meat yet? 🙂
    Oh and are the photos taken with your nikon or panasonic lumix?

  9. Hi there! Wonderful pictures! I totally love the bridge one and the sunday market. Love your perspectives! This is the first time i’m reading your blog (urghh.. and i’m a singaporean, can you believe that??!) and i’m addicted!

  10. I once had a date with the son (nephew?) of the King of Bhutan, and so I had to read this post. The buckwheat noodles look too good to be true…Janice

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