In Japan


My voracious wife S and I are currently in Japan. Spent a few fun, food-fueled days in Osaka and just arrived in Kyoto today. We’ll spend a few days here, after which we’ll be heading to Tokyo for more eating (and shopping). We’ll try and post from the road but the hotels we’ve been staying in don’t have wireless Internet access and all I brought with me was my iPad (did not get the 3G model)–decided since this was our first real holiday this year, I would leave the laptop at home. Fortunately, I’ve discovered a non-passworded network that, rather surprisingly, I’ve been able to connect to from my hotel room here so am putting this up quickly.

Stay tuned!

About Aun Koh

Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!


12 Responses

  1. Can’t wait! Your previous Kyoto posting was a great guide during my recent trip. We also discovered 2 great eateries recommended by the lovely concierge at Hyatt – Tempura Endo Yasaka Gion at 566 Komatsu-cho (near Yasaka Shrine) and Yoshinori Saiki.

  2. I’m envious. My favorite part of Japan is the incredible food. I’m curious about the photo that you posted–Inari…? What’s the stuffing?:)
    Have a great trip, and lI ook forward to your posts.



  3. Summer: Thanks. I’m always up for a good tempura!

    Joe: It’s a half-cooked egg stuffed in tofu, then deep-fried.

  4. Hey CH – very excited to see you in Japan again. Not sure if you have visited any of these already but if you get a chance while you are in Kyoto – check out Touzentei on Shinmonzen dori (delightful kappo ryori), A Womb ( near Shinsendo – which is also worth a visit if you haven’t been) , Oku for blissful afternoon tea ( street parallel to hanamikoji). Yuzuya ryokan (next to Yasaka shrine) does a great lunch too. I could go on…. but I won’t as you only have a few days. I am sure you have a list of places to get through anyway just thought I would throw you a few suggestions – and I am very much looking forward to yours as I will be back there shortly. Enjoy my favourite town in the world. J

  5. When in Tokyo, try the hole in the wall soba with yasai tempura and poached egg – seats 10 only so be ready to hover for a seat! It is in a small alley near the entrance of the UNIGLO outlet in Shinjuku station. See a cigarrette shop on the left of the store entrance with Mild 7 advert and just a few more metres is an alley. 10m down you see the crowd. Worth the search

  6. I travelled Japan with my iPad an Apple Airport Express to ensure that I could have my own wireless service at the hotels. Look into that or something similar – it’s been great even when I have my laptop as I don’t get stuck to the hotel room desk!

  7. Wow~ that’s a drooling dish.

    Autumn is the best time to enjoy the sceneries and food in Japan.

    If you’re keen to try a full course tofu cuisine, ume no hana is worth trying,

    A favourite conveyor belt sushi restaurant with the locals would be

    It is in Atre II Building next to the Meguro station.

    Have you checked out the Lumix GF2 in the stores yet?

    Enjoy enjoy enjoy…

  8. Eat at Editions Koji Shimomura. He is the most exciting chef in Tokyo. Serious commmitted and each dish a work of art. An a la carte menu too

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