Blogs to visit

Boy do things move fast in the blogosphere. It was only a few months ago (September in fact) when I wrote about some of my favorite new blogs. Now, some of those, like the always sharp-witted Monkey Gland (aka Jam-Faced) and the brilliantly talented Chockylit are considered veterans and role models for newer bloggers!

I thought I’d share two new blogs that I’ve become a big fan of and one slightly older blog that I love and admire. Curiously and perhaps coincidentally, both of the new blogs that I’ve become enamored with are written by people with professional links to the creative industries–the first is by a marketing professional who deals with the f&b industry and the second is by a professional magazine and book editor and writer.

photo from Matt Bites

Matt Bites is a big beautiful blog. Created by a marketing and design professional, it, of course, looks great. It has a slick, strong but clean layout that I like, gorgeous photos, and a really nice use of fonts (I’m slightly obsessed with typography). Matt also writes very well, with just the right mix of humor, passion and humility. He clearly loves food and life and his blog is brimming with energy. I have to admit it’s also nice to see another bloke blogging on food. There are just too few of us.

photo from Greedy Goose

Greedy Goose is written by a friend, ex-colleague, and fellow dog-owner. The blog’s creator, Annette, rightly points out in her very first post that she “eats like a man”. This is a really delicious blog, filled with great photos, wonderful stories on pigging out, dining out, and cooking. And lots and lots of humor.

illustration from Kokblog

Kokblog is probably the most unique blog in the food blog world. Unlike the other two mentioned above, it’s not that new; from what I can tell, Johanna started it in July 2005. A trained architect, wizard artist and passionate foodie, this blog is a pictorial journey through Johanna’s favorite recipes, most of them Swedish. I love that instead of photos–like most of us–Johanna accompanies each post with the cutest illustration. I can only imagine that in a few months, smart food magazine editors will be commissioning drawings from her to accompany articles in their publications. I know I would. Johanna also writes clearly and succinctly–no rambling for 1000 words on the history of obscure ingredients for this gal–which is something I really appreciate as a reader. Sometimes, brevity is best.

About Aun Koh

Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!


11 Responses

  1. I love Kokblog also! The witty stories are so brief, they often leave me wanting more…but in a good way. Thanks for the other recommendations

  2. Thanks Chubby Hubby for all the nice things you say about kokblog. I enjoy reading your blog too. Your creamed spinach and Valentine post was really watering my mouth.

  3. Thanks for the links, CH! I had already found Greedy Goose, and came across Matt’s blog last week – both are beautifully designed.
    kokblog is new to me, and it’s indeed rather unique.

  4. Wow, thanks for sharing Kokblog! I am totally enchanted by her drawings. If you enjoy then, click through to her JohannaK blog; it’s nothing but drawings, some food-related, most not. Very very cool.

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