
We interrupt the regularly scheduled post to bring you this breaking news item:


The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) of Singapore will be lifting the ban on beef imports (‘as soon as possible’) from the United States of America (US). AVA is finalizing with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) on the operational details of the health certification program to facilitate the resumption of imports as soon as possible. With the lifting of the ban, de-boned beef cuts from young cattle (less than 30 months old) from the US will be allowed for import into Singapore.” Yeah! American beef back in town! I am totally thrilled. For more info, please click over to this story.

Now, back to our oddly-coincidentally cow-related post…

photo from

In addition to being slightly obsessed with food, I also enjoy looking at art. One recent exhibition that I’ve really enjoyed is currently on at the Earl Lu Gallery, run by the Institute of Contemporary Art, at the Lasalle-SIA College of the Arts. The show, titled Great Brits: The New Alchemists, features the works of five fab British designers whose works cross the line between design and art.

The work I liked best–perhaps because it is actually food-related–was Cow Benches by Julia Lohmann, pictured above in a rather pastoral setting. Ms Lohmann describes the work as a “leather bench or bovine memento mori” and made this statement to contextualize it:

“We don’t want our food to remind us of the animal it is made of and, at the same time, are able to create living materials through advances in bio-technology. The ‘cow-bench’ explores the threshold between animal and material.”

I really like them. Not so much for their message but because of their cheeky and really kitsch appearance. And also because Ms Lohmann obviously used really good leather when crafting them. Up close, these “benches” are actually very beautiful. I would love to own one; I’d place it in a large, but rather empty, room.

The rest of the pieces in the show are also very good; in particular, I enjoyed the works of Matthias Megyeri. But don’t just read about it here. If you can, go catch the show while it’s still on.

Great Brits: The New Alchemists
Fri 13 Jan – Sun 12 Feb 2006 • 10am – 6pm daily, including public holidays • Earl Lu Gallery • Free • 90 Goodman Road

Participating Artists:
Pascal Anson, Michael Cross + Julie Mathias, Julia Lohmann, Matthias Megyeri and Peter Traag

About Aun Koh

Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!


8 Responses

  1. It bothers me that those bovines look like they’ve been beheaded. We already have a chicken painting that protests genetic modification and a dog sculpture that throws the spotlight on how pets are essentially the domestic equivalent of circus animals. Don’t you think a cow bench alongside these would be a little over the top?

  2. anonymous (June?): Most welcome.

    Rani: Oh my, that question will require a whole post to answer it properly. I promise to do one on aged beef soon. Okay? 😉

    TSCD: Tres kewl!

    S: Who asked you anyway! Kidding. Anyway, it’s not like I can afford a S$9000 bench. :-p

  3. were you at the exhibition on opening night? pascal anson was my instructor at saint martins’ summer program. would have been great if we had met, i enjoy reading your entries very much 🙂

  4. Em: No, I stayed away because the rain was coming down too hard. Figured I’d need an ark if I wanted to get to Lasalle-SIA. I went the day after the opening.

  5. talking about food and art…i really luv tis work by artist Wim Delvoye called Cloaca. Its essentially an installation of an artificial digestive system. You put food in from one end and out comes shit the other! Fantastically mind blowing. Hope it doesn’t freak! Just thought i might share this nice work 🙂

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