Creme de marrons
Chestnuts are one of my five-year old son’s favourite snacks. In Singapore, street vendors roast them in a covered urn or wok, filled with charcoal bits. You crack open the shell, and the flesh within is creamy, sweet, fragrant, and extremely addictive. My family goes through a 600g bag whenever the craving strikes. But recently, I have also developed an appreciation for the cooked and peeled chestnuts that come in foil packs, sold in convenience stores and supermarkets. With a few of those packets in hand, whipping up this crème de marrons is a piece of cake.
For this delicious spread, all you need are three ingredients – sugar, cream and chestnuts, a handheld blender, and fifteen minutes. My family’s favourite way of eating this is by smearing a layer within hot spelt crepes (pictured) or buckwheat galettes in the morning. With a strong cup of coffee, it is the breakfast of champions. For dessert, dollop some on vanilla ice-cream and blanket with shaved dark chocolate, or sandwich a generous amount between two sponge cake discs. Heck, I have even eaten it straight out of the jar with a spoon (as I do with Nutella or peanut butter) after a particularly trying day. It went down very well indeed.
Crème de marrons
300ml cream (35% fat)
⅓ cup white/light brown sugar
300g cooked and peeled chestnuts
Combine all the ingredients in a pot, bring cream up to a gentle bubble. Turn the heat down low and simmer for a few minutes.
Using a potato masher, gently break up the chestnuts. This is a good way to test if chestnuts have softened.
Once chestnuts have softened, either transfer mixture to a blender or use a handheld blender, and blitz till smooth.
Store in an airtight jar in the fridge, for up to two weeks.
About Dawn Chia
Dawn, a lanky food-crazed lady, started out writing for lifestyle magazines, and later spent several years in banking. When not eating, she's cooking, reading about, hankering after, and writing about food. On her first date with her boyfriend (now husband), they dined at four restaurants across Singapore. He's gained 25lbs since, and their culinary escapades continue after welcoming two rotund angels. Dawn's committed to feeding them with the best, and creating lasting food memories and traditions for her family.