The view from Rayavadee in Krabi Huge snaps to my wife S for updating this blog while I’ve…
Green tea madeleines
When I was younger, I had the pleasure of spending two summers working in Paris. During that first…
Yummy ramen in Singapore
There are some friends whose emails and text messages you simply don’t ignore. My buddy IC is one…
Eating Italian in Bangkok
It might seem a little odd for some of you that I’m writing about Italian restaurants in Bangkok…
A juice a day keeps the wife thinking I’m staying healthy
Business trips can take a lot out of a person. Running around from airport to airport, hotel to…
Two wonderful French outposts in HK
hazlenut tropizienne with salted caramel and vanilla ice cream from Caprice Two of the restaurants we were most…
Yun Fu
I’ve previously written about both Hutong and Shui Hu Ju. Owned by the Aqua restaurant group, these are…
Opia’s new menu
S and I are currently in Hong Kong for a few days. One our first night in town,…
S’s lean, mean, slicing machine
A few months ago, S came home with a large, gray and rather suspicious looking case. As an…