I’m a big fan of a well-made cocktail. I appreciate the combination of skill, passion, creativity and great…
Pecan sticky buns (or Brioche for Beginners)
It all started because of Monkey Bread. For almost 2 years, while attending Columbia University, I lived on…
The taste of Spring
S’s phone beeped. The text message read, “Are you in town?” Just a few seconds after she replied…
Greek spinach pie
Once upon a time, a sailor with a speech impediment and overdeveloped forearms convinced a generation of kids…
Asia Pacific Best Restaurants List
IMPORTANT UPDATE: voting is extended to 12 June 2006. If you are a non-blogger, you can email me…
The best way to use fruit
When I was young, my mother would often make banana cake for me and my brother. Her version…
Iggy’s is the 4th best restaurant in Asia
photo courtesy of Iggy’s Regular readers know that I’m a huge fan of Iggy’s, the fantastic Modern European,…
Damien Pignolet’s (friend Eve’s) delicious dessert
The very yummy cake that chef Pignolet whipped up during his cooking demonstration One of the restaurants that…
21st Century Tortilla
S adds the foam to a “tortilla” I’ve never had the pleasure of dining at El Bulli, currently…