Burger Challenge / EoMEoTE #6
Last week, Bonny Kang, a very frequent poster and member-in-great standing on Flickr started a new and fun community. Similar in some ways to Is My Blog Burning? (IMBB), this new group, Friday Food Fiesta, asks its members to photograph a specific food/dish each week. Unlike IMBB, which is more recipe driven, this group is more picture-driven, and the focus of the challenge is to see how different people capture the same food distinctly. Of course, there will be variations in the food, but that just adds to the personality of each photo.
For the very first challenge, Bonny announced a hamburger challenge. Shoot any kind of burger. Instead of running over to Iggy’s (who makes THE best burger in Singapore), I decided to make my own. The mix I used is at the end of the post.
My wife and I had her dad over for a relaxed holiday lunch. The burger, topped with gruyere and a fried egg, is served over a toasted slice of walnut bread, bought from Canele.
There’s also another really cool food challenge/meme going around the web as well. It’s called End-Of-The-Month-Eggs-On-Toast. Simply put, bloggers create cool egg on toast recipes and post about them. When putting together this dish, I kept thinking about this as well. (Hiya Jeanne, hoping that the introduction of a hunk of meat between my egg and my toast won’t disqualify this from EoMeoTe #6!)
The egg/burger/toast was paired with a salad of rocket, spinach, cherry tomatoes and sliced almonds, with a Champagne vinegar-vinaigrette. We also had a wonderful portobello and porcini mushroom quiche, which my wife whipped up, accompanied with a bottle of Nepenthe 2004 Sauvignon Blanc. Here’s a pix of the quiche…which was delicious!
Burger mix (for 3 pretty large patties or 4 small ones)
400g premium beef mince
1 small brown onion
1 egg yolk
1 tsp Japanese hamburger sauce (tomato paste, soya bean paste, apple, sesame)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
About Aun Koh
Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!

whoaaa your pictures are so good!
(and hello! i am from singapore too!)
Great picture as always.
That Japanese hamburger sauce sounded really interesting. I need to keep in mind next time I go shopping. I wonder if they have it in the US…
Hi Gwenda, thanks for the comment. Glad to have fellow country men and women reading this little blog.
Hi Winnie: I love looking around in Japanese supermarkets. If you have one near you in the US you might be able to find this sauce. Typically, the Japanese eat their hamburger over rice, with this sauce poured all over. It’s a pretty common dish these days. Good luck!
Oh tremendous CH. Having met the two requirements, a hunk of meat just raises you in our esteem. Lovingly captured and that quiche is just great. Pastry being a “carbohydrate based foodstuff subjected to heat” allows me to congratulate you on your double entry.
That’s a fantastic entry for EoMEoTE! Eggs and Gruyere go so well together…and on a burger? Brilliant!
hi aun, i’ve linked to your blog too. and by the way, i really liked East magazine. i havent found anything like it since.
Thanks Gwenda. East was great fun to put out, especially because I was able to work with (and feature)some pretty amazing people.