My Favourite Pasta Dish
In my last post, I mentioned Buon Ricordo in Sydney. For those who have been, you’ll know what I am getting to. For those that have not, boy, do you have a treat in store for you (if, that is, you take my advice, and go… as soon as possible!). In fact, I envy you. That first bite of the Fettucine al Tartufovo is something I’ll never forget, and, unfortunately, never be able to recreate.
Of course, the second, third and even 30th bites, on return visits, are still fantastic enough for me to easily–and by a landslide–declare that my favourite pasta dish is Chef Armando Percuoco’s “Fettucine with Cream and Parmesan, Topped with a Fried Truffle Egg, Tossed At The Table.”
I’m not alone in praising this dish. The Sydney Morning Herald called this, “undoubtedly, Sydney’s best pasta.” I don’t know any one who has tried this who hasn’t been amazed and astounded by this beautiful, simple, but decadent recipe.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture to share. But there is a tiny one on the menu page of the restaurant’s website. Go check it out. While there, make a reservation and then call your travel agent and book a flight to Sydney. This is one dish worth flying for.
About Aun Koh
Aun has always loved food and travel, passions passed down to him from his parents. This foundation, plus a background in media, pushed him to start Chubby Hubby in 2005. He loves that this site allows him to write about the things he adores--food, style, travel, his wife and his three kids!