Each time I visit Movida, I simply rejoice. The name, which means ‘the movement’, was chosen by Spanish…

A Q&A with Jim Berardo, founder of the Noosa International Food & Wine Festival
Last year, my wife S and I attended the Noosa International Food & Wine Festival. It was, as…

A special cooking class: demonstration and dinner with Tomislav Martinovic
Opportunities like these don’t present themselves often, so, when given the chance to take a cooking class with…

Salvador Coffee Espresso Bar: true coffee culture in Sydney
About a year ago, on my walk back home from downtown Sydney, I decided to take a different…

Pantry Basics: Homemade Vanilla Fridge Wipe
Vanilla fridge wipe is a household cleaning product that I first discovered as an undergraduate in Western Australia….

Labour of love: Lunch at Kooka Café and a conversation with co-owner Lauren Chambers
Since a colleague introduced me to Kooka Café earlier this year, I’ve made the place my unofficial hideout,…

A taste of Margaret River, Australia – Fraser Gallop Estate
Australian wine – almost a market synonym for Shiraz from South Australia. Known for its strong flavour, overwhelming…

Oxtail Bo Kho, a Vietnamese beef stew with Coke and Laughing Cow cheese
A few weeks ago, I mentioned that, while attending the Noosa International Food & Wine Festival, S and…

Highlights from our trip to Noosa, Queensland, on Australia’s Sunshine Coast
Ever since my wife S and I became parents, we’ve been on the lookout for destinations that would…