Duo of pork from Sage I love pork. It’s quite easily my favourite kind of meat. I can’t…
Door to door
Quite a few months ago, I read about a couple of young guys who started a web and…
Brunch deals
french toast with apples and fig & honey ice cream from Marmalade Pantry I’m a big breakfast person….
What to do this weekend
Justin Quek, Passion & Inspiration, the first cookbook by Singapore’s most celebrated chef, Justin Quek, goes on sale…
Rediscovering Indian food
I’m a huge fan of Northern Indian food. Going to university in New York City meant that I…
A few Sunday snippets
tucking into a pasta at Basil Alcove Fine food in a not so fine place I heard about…
Return of the king
Just a few days ago, I wrote about Chef Justin Quek and his new cookbook, simply titled “Justin…
Oodles of Noodles
As you might imagine, anyone who calls himself a “chubby hubby” probably loves his carbs. I certainly do….
Big breakfasts
One of the things I like most about my wife S is her love of big English breakfasts….