Food Porn: what do they really serve you at Sushi Sho in Tokyo?
I don’t think we post nearly enough pictures of the food served during a meal. Take Sushi Sho for example. Of course, you have read Aun wax lyrical about this being his favourite sushi restaurant in the world. But wouldn’t it be nice to see a little more of what awaits you before you make that booking?
With that thought in mind, may I present you ‘Now That’s What I Call SUSHI‘ Volume ONE. Only available at Chubby Hubby…
Sushi Sho (Sushishou)
Yorindo Building, 1F
1-11 Yotsuya Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo, Japan
Tel: +813 3351 6387

About Roger Lim
Roger’s love affair with food started with a bang. Sent to a distant corner of Kent at 16, an Asian-food starved Roger tried to recreate mom’s stir-fry with explosive results. The loss of the left eyebrow was well worth the reprieve from steak and kidney pie. Today Roger runs his own creative agency as a pretext for his food-based escapades. If you are unlucky enough to be seated next to Roger in a restaurant, do be thankful that he is annoying you with his camera, and not attempting to flambé with a wok.

#NowThatsWhatICallSUSHI …