Pantry Basics: Easy Thermomix play dough
Let’s get this straight, I wouldn’t acquire a Thermomix simply to make play dough. I love our simple recipe for making play dough here which doesn’t call for fancy gear. But should you happen to own a Thermomix, it does make quick work of it.
What I like best about this recipe is that it calls for ingredients most pantries are likely to stock. And it’s so easy to prepare that I turn it into a brief family activity with the kids.
We made our last batch six months ago and store it in plastic containers in the refrigerator. The kids are still happily playing with it. With just this one portion, I was able to make two sets of three colours. One set for each of my children.
Just weigh the dough once it’s done and divide it evenly before kneading in the food colouring. I also like to knead in a few drops of essential oil just to make the dough smell nice. These also make great standby gifts for when you drop your child off on a play date.
Thermomix play dough
100g fine salt
1 tbs cream of tartar
320g boiling water
550g plain flour
15g vegetable oil
5g glycerin (optional)
Food colouring (we use Wilton’s icing concentrated pastes)
Pure essential oil (optional)
Blitz salt on speed 9 for 3 seconds to break up any lumps.
Add cream of tartar and boiling water. Heat at 60 degrees Celsius on speed 3 for 5min.
Add flour and mix for 40 seconds on speed 3.
Add vegetable oil (and glycerin, if using) and blend for another 1min on speed 3 or 4.
The dough will still be tacky.
Turn it onto a Silpat and knead flour into it until smooth (about another 30g of flour).
Knead in preferred colouring and essential oil if using.
About Su-Lyn Tan
Su-Lyn is Aun's better half and for many years, the secret Editor behind this blog known to readers simply as S. Su-Lyn is an obsessive cook and critical eater whose two favourite pastimes are spending time with her three kids and spending time in the kitchen. She looks forward to combining the two in the years to come.