Snack attack: Wagon Wheels cookie sandwich

Wagon wheelWhen I was nine years old, my Aunty J migrated to Vancouver, Canada. Every couple of years, she would make a trip back to Singapore to visit my grandma. Each trip, she would lug goodies from Canada for all of us. I remembered seeing Aunty J unpack her luggage, anxiously anticipating the treats that I was going to receive. We got boxes of peaches and cherries, salmon jerky and my favourite – Wagon Wheels.

Wagon Wheels is essentially a cookie sandwich with a marshmallow and jam center, and coated with chocolate. There are many names for and versions of Wagon Wheels – the Americans call them moon pie and the Koreans have their version, choco pie. Whatever its name, it is a delicious, rich chocolate snack that has kept me a happy child for many years.

So when I came across the Wagon Wheels recipe in Donna Hay’s Black and White issue, it was simply not possible for me not to make them. I do admit it takes quite a bit of effort but it is definitely better than store bought ones. Do not be intimated by the length of the recipe, as I tried to be as detailed as I can, and am also sharing some of tips and tricks in making this nostalgic childhood snack.

About Mandy Ng

Mandy’s journey into the culinary world began out of necessity–a means of survival whilst she was at university. She believes cooking should be simple and fun. Besides spending time in the kitchen whipping up hearty meals, Mandy also dreams of having a bottomless stomach that she can fill with all kinds of delicious things.


One Response

  1. Living in Canada, I have pretty good access to Wagon Wheels. However, I really like the idea of making them from scratch! Thanks very much for sharing this recipe. 🙂

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