Pesto at its best is fresh, piquant, zingy, creamy, and surprisingly luxurious. It’s comforting for me to know…

Classic British Flapjacks
I have a thing for British food personalities. Maybe I’m drawn to their accent, the way they speak…

Family Food: Easy Roasted Vegetable and Quinoa Salad
If you’ve been put off by bland tasting quinoa salads (as I have), this recipe for roasted vegetable…

Passion fruit curd pie
Or as it is known in my family – ¨Postre de Boris¨ (Boris’ dessert) Boris was once the…

A delicious and nutritious roasted vegetables tray bake
A bowlful of roasted spuds would qualify as comfort food for most. My perfect potato nugget is crisp on…

Haru Cooking Class: A lesson in Japanese home cooking in Kyoto
Japanese home cooking may be pretty simple, but if you haven’t had the chance to witness the actual…

Pantry Basics: Roll Cake (ロールケーキ)
When my toddler, T, had his first taste of this roll cake his wee face broke into a…

Power Breakfasts: Basic Whole Wheat Waffles
On lazy weekends or holiday mornings, I like to make my family a more indulgent breakfast. Something they…

Family Food: Steamed Savoury Custard Master Recipe
Whether I’m making chawanmushi (茶碗蒸しwhich broadly means ‘steamed in a teacup’ but specifically refers to Japanese steamed savoury…