Power breakfasts: Avocado shake

avocado shake

I have had this avocado shake for breakfast four times this week. The heat has been relentless since sunrise, and I simply don’t have the stomach for my usual oatmeal porridge, fried eggs or peanut butter toast. Furthermore, I’m plagued by this nagging sore throat, and all I want are cool, refreshing foods that soothe, even first thing in the morning. This breakfast shake is not only quick to make (and drink), but it is also extremely nutritious and most importantly, darn tasty.

Reminiscent of the Indonesian avocado juice (avocado, milk, condensed milk, and laced with chocolate sauce) that I have fond memories of, this version is just as smooth, rich and satisfying. Healthy and indulgent at the same time, it is a power and flavour-packed drink that surprisingly provides enough sustenance to carry me straight through to lunch. Because the sweetness of the banana and creaminess of the milk complement the avocado so perfectly, even those who normally don’t appreciate avocados might enjoy it here. I really urge everyone to give this a shot. It’s also a great snack for kids, perhaps in place of ice-cream or a regular milkshake. I know my daughter won’t mind.

About Dawn Chia

Dawn, a lanky food-crazed lady, started out writing for lifestyle magazines, and later spent several years in banking. When not eating, she's cooking, reading about, hankering after, and writing about food. On her first date with her boyfriend (now husband), they dined at four restaurants across Singapore. He's gained 25lbs since, and their culinary escapades continue after welcoming two rotund angels. Dawn's committed to feeding them with the best, and creating lasting food memories and traditions for her family.


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