When I had told my wife S that I was taking her to Tokyo to celebrate our wedding…

Whipping cream cake for my darling boy’s birthday
Five years ago, I cradled a cherubic baby boy in my arms, barely 3kg. He is a little…

Chocolate Raspberry Tart
I will admit that I am not much of a cook when it comes to the savoury, but…

Sweetness The Patisserie, tempting treats in Sydney
Sweetness is not your everyday patisserie, neither traditional French nor modern and overly elaborate. Sweetness has just the…

Snack attack: Wagon Wheels cookie sandwich
When I was nine years old, my Aunty J migrated to Vancouver, Canada. Every couple of years, she…

Chocolate biscotti
I made biscotti for the first time when I was looking for a baked good to whip up…

The Inspired Chef, artisanal ice creams by 4 of Singapore’s top chefs, launches today
I am a total ice cream addict. On top of that, since my wife S makes some of…

Foie gras scrambled eggs & other favourite breakfast items in Hong Kong
One of the things I’ve enjoyed most during my days as a freelance consultant is having leisurely breakfasts (and…

Spiced brown sugar cookies
I’ve been grumpier than usual for the past two months, since my trusty coffee machine (an 8-year old…